
On Paul: Essays on His Life, Work and Influence in the Early Church is unavailable, but you can change that!

A valuable collection of C. K. Barrett’s writings on Paul, the summation of a lifetime’s work by the pre-eminent New Testament scholar. This book contains a number of essays, some hitherto unpublished, on historical aspects of Paul’s work. Sometimes Professor Barrett takes a broad view, often he looks sharply at important topics. Many of the themes are familiar, but Barrett always illuminates...

and his colleagues, would go to the circumcised. All they asked (μόνον) was that the Gentile missioners should remember the poor. Anyone who wishes to harmonize these accounts has two good leads. Paul describes a private discussion (κατʼ ἰδίαν τοῖς δοκοῦσιν, 2:2), whereas Acts reports a public meeting. Again, Acts describes the process by which a conclusion was reached, Paul reports the conclusion. Harmonization however is not the best approach to historical sources. These two sources represent
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